COVID-19 Workplace Exposure and Return to Work Guidelines
Purpose: Limit the number of ill team members and potential for outbreaks by quickly and effectively removing team members from work, monitoring symptoms, and returning to campus as soon as safely possible. All team members should engage in physical distancing, frequent handwashing, and the wearing of a mask or face covering while at work. Flu shots should be a priority as well.
All protocols are subject to change as better information and testing become available. Provider discretion and clinical judgment will be utilized in situations that are unclear.
Alternatives (in italics) are to be utilized in times of perceived low risk.
Team members may reach out to SALTA with concerns regarding an exposure or symptoms:
I. Exposure
1. Primary Exposure (direct contact with COVID+ individual – clarified by the CDC on 10/21/20 as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to testing specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.)
- Leave work, remain in self-quarantine for 14 days, monitor daily for symptoms of illness, and if asymptomatic after 14 days*, may return to campus, OR
- Leave work, remain in self-quarantine for 10 days, monitor daily for symptoms of illness, and if asymptomatic after 10 days*, may return to campus while monitoring symptoms for 14 total days, OR
- Self-quarantine at home, complete two negative COVID PCR tests separated by at least 24 hours**
- If symptoms develop, see Symptoms section
2. Primary Exposure (direct contact with person with URI symptoms/unconfirmed COVID)
- Leave work, remain in self-quarantine for up to 14 days, monitor for symptoms of illness
- If asymptomatic after 14 days, may return to campus
- Alternative: self-quarantine for 4 days, symptom monitoring, may return after 4 days
- If symptoms develop, see Symptoms section
3. Secondary Exposure (contact with a person who had contact with a COVID+ individual)
- Leave work, remain in self-quarantine for up to 4 days, monitor for symptoms of illness
- If asymptomatic after 4 days, may return to campus
- Alternative: may remain at work with mask 100% of the time, self-monitor for symptoms
- If symptoms develop, see Symptoms section
II. Symptoms
If team member develops symptoms consistent with COVID:
- Leave the building and call SALTA
- SALTA will facilitate same-day appointment with a provider
- Provider will triage to determine the next course of action and safe return date
Return to work can happen in a variety of ways:
1. Exposure:
- 4-14 days of self-quarantine without appearance of symptoms (as determined by section I)*, OR
- Negative COVID PCR x 2 separated by at least 24 hours (if deemed appropriate in section I)**
2. Symptoms and COVID PCR Positive:
- At least 24 hours have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of feverreducing medications AND at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared, with the improvement of symptoms
- Re-testing is not recommended
- This may be extended for those with severe illness (O2Sat < 94% on room air, respiratory rate > 30)
3. Symptoms and COVID PCR Negative
- Provider discretion, based upon symptom severity, course of illness, and likelihood of false negative test.
4. Asymptomatic and COVID PCR Positive
- At least 10 days have passed since initial positive COVID PCR result
Any time off of work (in-person or remote work) will depend on the severity of the team member’s condition and will be communicated clearly to the employer with written documentation.
Experience, Training and/or Education
Physicians and Physician Assistants will be utilizing this guide for clinical decision-making
Related Links or References
*This aligns with the current (as of 12/9/2020) Oakland County Health Department recommendations
**This assumes access to accurate PCR testing with a quick turnaround time