Millennials, defined as people born between 1981 and 1996 are now 27 to 42 years of age and represent the largest adult generation in the US. They also represent the largest generation recruited by employers. The Millennial generation has disrupted and revolutionized every industry from finance to transportation and travel. Their impact as consumers is also being felt in the healthcare industry which is seemingly content with offering the same customer service experience from the 1950s. If the healthcare industry thought working for an insurance company was tough, wait until they get a load of the Millennial consumer.
What does this generation want from the healthcare industry in general? In primary care specifically.
1. Millennials are informed consumers who are suspicious of large institutions. This generation saw large corporate financial institutions behaving badly that led to the housing collapse in the great recession. During COIVD they were bombarded with conflicting information from government and leading health authorities. Millennials want a trusted partner to help them identify true information about their medical conditions and treatment.
2. They want price transparency. they are tired of going to access the healthcare system only to get stuck with a big surprise bill. This is particularly true because Millennials are more likely that other generations to be uninsured.
3. Because Millennials came of age during the great recession they shop for value they are cost conscious healthcare consumers.
4. Millennials want high quality low cost care and they want it now with 24/7 quick, convenient and accessible phone, text and same-day appointments.
5. They want health care that is as easy as sending money to a friend, getting a ride, or ordering food delivery. They want frictionless access to care with not just virtual options but same or next day in-person care when needed.
6. Millennials value mental health more than previous generations and they yearn for close collaborative relationships that primary care physicians can provide and who will be there when needed. They also want a doctor who understands their preferences and will include them in shared decision making.
7. Finally, this generation likes to communicate in a virutal environment. They want the ability to get prescriptions scheudle appointments and message their doctors without requiring a phone converstation.
Millennials are driving revolutionary change in the healthcare industry because everything they want from the healthcare system is what everyone else wants too. So, are Millennials getting what they want from the current healthcare system? In my next video I’ll share the answer to that question and the surprising impact it’s having on this generation’s health.